

本次给大家讲一下stataNMA的作图过程的贡献图。需要的变量主要是 t1 t2 logor selogor,在stata中普通的metan命令处理后就得到这样的数据。

use "F:\【Network Meta-Analysis - 网状meta分析】使用STATA软件绘图\example_datasets\coronary artery disease pairwise.dta"


//netweight lnOR selnOR t1 t2


//本例采用 logOR

netweight logOR selogOR t1 t2



Direct comparisons and number of included studies:


  1. BMSvsDES         16 
  2. BMSvsMT          3 
  3. BMSvsPTCA         33 
  4. MTvsPTCA         10 


Indirect comparisons:


  1. DESvsMT 
  2. DESvsPTCA 


Direct relative effects:



r1  -0.080

r2  -0.041

r3  -0.087

r4   0.165


Variances of direct relative effects:


       c1     c2     c3     c4

r1  .0425      0      0      0

r2      0  .0123      0      0

r3      0      0   .027      0

r4      0      0      0  .0253


 Note: Effect sizes of 36 observations were reversed (stored in matrix e(R))

Basic contrasts:



Design matrix:


    c1  c2  c3

r1   1   0   0

r2   0   1   0

r3   0   0   1

r4   0  -1   1

r5  -1   1   0

r6  -1   0   1


Contribution of each direct comparison in each pairwise summary effect:


        r1      r2      r3      r4

r1   1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000

r2   0.000   0.810   0.190  -0.190

r3   0.000   0.418   0.582   0.418

r4   0.000  -0.392   0.392   0.608

r5  -1.000   0.810   0.190  -0.190

r6  -1.000   0.418   0.582   0.418


Percentage contribution of each direct comparison in each pairwise summary effect:

         _P1    _P2    _P3    _P4

comp1  100.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

comp2    0.0   68.0   16.0   16.0

comp3    0.0   29.5   41.0   29.5

comp4    0.0   28.1   28.1   43.7

comp5   45.7   37.0    8.7    8.7

comp6   41.4   17.3   24.1   17.3


Percentage contribution of each direct comparison in the entire network:


                _C1   _C2   _C3   _C4

network  31.2  29.6  20.2  19.0





Figure 3. Contribution plot for the coronary artery disease network. The size of each square is proportional to the weight attached to each

direct summary effect (horizontal axis) for the estimation of each network summary effects (vertical axis). The numbers re-express the weights as
percentages. (MT = medical therapy, PTCA = percutaneous transluminal balloon coronary angioplasty, BMS = bare-metal stents, DES = drug-eluting



 图3。冠状动脉疾病网络贡献图。每方的大小 代表权重,与直接总结效果(横轴)估计的每个网络总结效果(垂直轴)  成正比。数字重新表达权重,用
百分比。(mt=医学治疗,PCTA =冠状血管成形术,BMS =裸金属支架,DES =药物洗脱支架)。





本文由 GCBI学院 作者:其明技术专家 发表,转载请注明来源!

